Portuguese pine nuts come from stone pine, or also called umbrella pine; the scientific name being: Pinus pinea. They grow throughout south and central Portugal in the Alentejo region. They are less sensitive to diseases and pests than other Mediterranean pines. Portuguese pine nuts come from stone pine, or also called umbrella pine; the scientific name being: Pinus pinea. They grow throughout south and central Portugal in the Alentejo region. They are less sensitive to diseases and pests than other Mediterranean pines. The harvest time is between December 15th and March 31st, the only time the pines can be collected and transported by law. The harvesting of the kernels of the pine nuts, unlike timber harvesting, are considered environmentally sound. The Portuguese pine nuts are 100% natural. They are washed with water with no additives or colorants, to take away the dust from the breaking process and to ensure the highest quality. The Mediterranean pine nut is a different variety of nut than the more common Chinese, Pakistani or Korean pine nut. It has a more elongated and oval shape and has a more complex flavour and creamier texture, due to of the conditions of the soil, Atlantic breezes and humidity. For these reasons this pine nut from Portugal is a popular and preferred component in Mediterranean cuisine.
Tasting suggestions: a staple ingredient in traditional Italian pesto and can be used as a garnish to any salad, pasta, pizza or sauces. Perfect in bread, cakes, cookies or desserts.