Cabra Transmontano DOP

Since immemorial time, milk and goat cheese played an important role in feeding the people of Trás-os-Montes (in northern Portugal) and the region's economy. The Cabra Transmontano DOP cheese is produced with goats’ milk from Serrana breed. Developing an hard texture and some whitish eyes, the cheese is obtained after coagulation of the milk with animal rennet. The cheeses are washed and dried periodically during maturation, reaching a minimum of 60 days. Presents in a cylinder form, regular, without defined borders, and a diameter from 12 to 19 centimetres. The weight ranges between 600 and 900 grams. It has strong aroma and the flavor is acidulous, whith earthy and goaty notes.

MILK TYPE Raw goat’s milk
Rennet Animal rennet
Region Trás-os-Monte – Northe of Portugal
Consistency Semi-hard
Rind Washed and white
Aging > 60 days
Flavour Acidulous, with earthy and goaty notes
Weight (average)
