
"Bica" loosely translated means "bag". And that is exactly what this cheese looks like. When the curd is fresh, it is placed in a cheese cloth and twisted up into a "bag". As the cheese firms up, the cloth is removed, but its imprint remains, giving rise to its name. A farmhouse cheese made from a blend of pasteurized goat (70%), cow (20%) and sheep's (10%) milk, coagulated with animal rennet. Bica cheese has a distinctive yet mild, buttery flavor with goaty notes and a satiny texture. The red crust is given by an emulsion of sweet red pepper and wine that is brushed on the cheese.

MILK TYPE Pasteurized goat (70%), cow (20%) and sheep’s (10%) milk
Rennet Animal rennet
Region Minho – Northe of Portugal
Consistency Soft
Rind Characteristic shape. Washed with an emulsion of sweet red pepper and white wine
Aging > 30 days
Flavour Mild, buttery with goaty notes
Weight (average)
