
Produced in lower Alentejo in south of Portugal, Cardus is a unique cheese made with raw goat’s milk with vegetable rennet (Cynara cardunculus), with a minimum period of 30 days of cure. This pressed cheese, has a washed and thin pale yellow color and weights around 350g. The delicate soft, nearly runny texture and super proteolised paste is complimented, with a strong flavour, lightly piquant grassy, floral, mild nutty goaty and barnyard flavor When left at room temperature, the cheese becomes almost melty. Try slicing off the top and scooping the soft cheese out with a spoon.

MILK TYPE Raw goat’s milk
Rennet Vegetable - Thistle rennet
Region Alentejo – Southeast of Portugal
Consistency Creamy
Rind Washed, light yellow color
Aging > 60 days
Flavour Barnyard flavour cheese. Goaty
Weight (average)
